5 Facts about BDSM escorts

5 Facts about BDSM escorts

Have you ever wondered how it feels like to be a BDSM escort? Did it ever occur to try this kind of practice? I bet a lot of people have this common misconception that those who love BDSM have mental problems. But BDSM is an art and nobody can practice it. Today I will present some of the many facts about BDSM.

1. It requires time

To excel in the art of BDSM, you need to spend a lot of time studying and practice everything you learn. As a dominant, you need to start from the light side of BDSM to the dark side. Maybe you are only 19 years old when you decide to join this world and maybe you will excel at the light part of BDSM at 25 years old. You need to have patience, self-control, and an open mind.

2. Not everyone likes the whole part of BDSM practice

As I mentioned before, there are two big branches of BDSM: the light and soft one and the dark one, with more pain involved. There are a lot of different people on Earth and maybe some of them prefer the soft part, some of them the dark one, and some of them want a fusion between these two. Either way, you need to understand that BDSM has a lot of other services, not only hard whipping and chains.

3. People who like BDSM are weak and need a mental control

Your sexual preferences don’t have to involve your normal, social life. It is nothing wrong if you are a successful businessman and you like a great session of BDSM. Sexual life and normal life don't combine. You are not sick if you love BDSM, you are a normal person. Our BDSM escorts from Lijnden are the best in the field because they will not judge you, no matter what your fantasies are. You are not weak if you like to be controlled by a dominant, you are a person who managed to unleash their imagination and who enjoys every little second of their sexual life. A lot of people want to try this practice, but they are afraid of what other people may say.

4. People who are into BDSM are normal

BDSM lovers are normal people like you and me. They have a social life, friends, some of them might even go to College. They have hobbies, they love listening to music and going to the cinema, they love swimming and they definitely enjoy sharing life experiences. The biggest difference between them and us is that they enjoy a more intense sexual life than a lot of people. They are not afraid to put into practice their fantasies.

5. The deeper the connection, the more intense the experience

The art of BDSM requires two people to have a deeply rooted connection. Sometimes, before the actual BDSM encounter, they have a long conversation about what are their fantasies, what they like, what they don't, and how far they are willing to go, even the secret safe word is set by agreement.